Nature's Fusion
Be Alert (Eternal Flame)
Be Alert (Eternal Flame)
BE ALERT (Eternal Flame) Essential Oil Blend
Cedarwood, peppermint, and spikes of other bright oils make Eternal Flame a blend of choice for long nights or important meetings. With neroli and rose for a warm scent. Hours of alertness.
Blend Type: Concentration Blend
Contains: Pine, Black Spruce, Cedar, Orange, Peppermint, Black Pepper, Rosemary, Neroli
Common Uses
Diffuse, apply a small amount on the wrist in 5% dilution, massage into abdomen
It can be hard to concentrate on an upcoming test or exam. For some people whose minds consistently change direction, concentration can be extremely difficult. Be Alert has oils that help with focus. Be Focused is a similar blend that has a different smell profile. Be Alert is a floral, warm blend, while Be Focused has woody, cool tones.
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